But will antisemitism on dating sites change the picture in the future?
By Melissa Langsam Braunstein
Demonstrators called for an ‘amnesty’ for the pair, who were accused of ‘harassing’ Jewish peers
By Vita Fellig
Cartoonist who exposed the angst and hypocrisy of the post-war American elite
By Gloria Tessler
By Emily Goldberg
Protesters demonstrated in Borough Park outside an Israeli real estate event
By Ellie Grant
Now the cafe can be ‘not just in the middle of nowhere in Scotland’, its owners said
By Daniel Ben-David
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‘These events took place in 2023, not 1943,’ wrote John Cronan in his ruling
By Izzy Salant
‘The Princess Bride’ actor compared Israel to the Nazis during a podcast appearance this week
By Eliana Jordan
By JC Reporter
Israel’s Holocaust museum will be permanently marked in the city
‘Trippy’ Virgin Atlantic safety video with Hebrew subtitles baffles travellers
By Jane Prinsley
The petition complains that Black September murderers are shown as ‘antisemitic terrorists’
By Imogen Garfinkel
Activists called for the release of medical personnel accused of terror offences by the IDF
Rally organisers spoke out against Zionism and in support of the "martyrs" of the Palestinian "resistance."
By Matthew Schultz
This is the same moral universe that delivered students cosplaying Hamas fighters